In the chronicles spanning from 2014 to the present day, a dedicated effort has been undertaken to confront the harrowing specter of atrocities inflicted upon innocent children. Engaging fervently with organizations such as Free2Hope from 2015 to 2016, Love The Hungry spanning 2014 to 2016, and The Healing Place during 2011-2012, a diligent quest unfolded to glean insights on challenging the entrenched normalcy of such atrocities. This endeavor transcended geographical boundaries, delving into the intricate web of global interconnectivity to unravel the profound impact of these horrors not only on foreign soils but also within the confines of domesticity in the United States.

Central to this investigative odyssey lies a poignant exploration into the abhorrent realms of sex trafficking, child hunger, the recruitment of child soldiers, coerced labor, and the scourge of drug abuse. These afflictions, symptomatic of the festering wounds inflicted by unethical and corrupt foreign as well as domestic policies, epitomize the pervasive entanglement between power structures and the vulnerable segments of society, particularly marginalized groups such as children.

Against the backdrop of Western consumerism, this ongoing series endeavors to stage a compelling narrative, one that illuminates alternative pathways to consumption while unequivocally advocating for a culture of accountability among businesses, corporations, and the intersecting spheres of religious and political influence. It seeks to unmask the insidious profiteering from the anguish of victims and aims to foster a collective consciousness geared towards systemic reform and societal healing. Thus, with each installment, this series serves as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, an unwavering testament to the imperative of collective action in safeguarding the sanctity of childhood and affirming the dignity of every human life.

