That's what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.”― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Sunnii, a moniker I received at birth, ventures into the world of film as an amateur filmmaker. This exploration precedes a deeper dive into film-making—the curated works of obscure & abstract films, accompanied by avant-garde space looper Apis.Osiris, is enhanced with captivating visual effects that juxtapose current worldly and spiritual events. Together, they offer a comprehensive glimpse into the creative and spiritual realms of myself, providing foresight into forthcoming events.

For the full video versions & details of each book, subscribe to my Patreon.

Buy each demo or subscribe to Apis.Osiris’ Bandcamp


Ancient Egyptians believed the Duat, or otherworld, was a realm where the deceased could achieve immortality after overcoming various challenges. Funerary texts like the Pyramid Texts and the Book of the Dead offered crucial guidance for navigating the Duat's perilous paths. Traditions depicted the Duat as either in the sky or within the earth, each reflecting evolving beliefs about death and rebirth. These ideas resonate deeply with the universal human desire for eternal life and legacy.


Embark on a journey through time and space with Apis.Osiris, delivering ancient knowledge and warnings from the Land of the Blacks. This second series of tapes delves into cosmic revelations, serving as a prelude to the current series “Book of Ra.”


Ra, the most important deity, embarks on a daily journey that symbolizes the cycle of life and renewal. Each morning, Ra is reborn as Khepri, the scarab beetle representing dawn. By midday, he becomes the powerful falcon-headed Ra, and in the evening, he transforms into Atum, the old man signifying the setting sun. Ra sails across the sky in his boat, known as the "Barque of a Million Suns," traveling through twelve kingdoms of solar deities. As night falls, he is swallowed by Nut, the sky goddess, and travels through the Duat, or underworld, where he faces challenges and is guided by various goddesses. By dawn, Ra is reborn, completing his 24-hour journey.


Apep, or Apophis, is a fearsome figure in ancient Egyptian mythology, embodying chaos and destruction as the eternal adversary of the sun god Ra. Ancient texts like the Pyramid Texts and the Book of the Dead depict his relentless attempts to disrupt cosmic balance during Ra's nightly journey through the underworld. Apep's battles with Ra symbolize the struggle between order (Ma'at) and chaos (Isfet), highlighting the Egyptians' belief in the necessity of maintaining order against persistent threats.


Cain's descendants, as portrayed in ancient texts, had a profound and lasting impact on human civilization. They contributed to various cultural and technological advancements, such as the development of music and metalworking. However, they also perpetuated a legacy of sin and violence. For example, Lamech, a descendant of Cain, is noted for being the first polygamist and boasting about avenging himself, reflecting the ongoing cycle of violence and moral corruption initiated by Cain. This legacy had significant consequences, symbolizing the persistent struggle between human innovation and ethical decay.


The 1980s was a transformative decade marked by the rise of personal computing, cable TV, and neoliberal economic policies, leading to today's digital and globalized world. The end of the Cold War reshaped geopolitics, while increased activism and recognition of diverse identities laid the groundwork for modern social justice movements. Pop culture icons from the 80s continue to influence fashion, music, and entertainment, and technological advances from that era, such as in medical research and space exploration, have had lasting impacts on healthcare and science.

